LVGEA Announces Several Companies Approved Incentives NV

(Las Vegas) — The Governor’s Office of Economic Development Board of Nevada approved a series of incentives today for companies planning to relocate or expand into Southern Nevada.

The approvals come on the heels of several other approved incentives last month, showing that companies from all over the world are interested in what Nevada has to offer.

“Incentives are a powerful part of any economic development strategy,” said LVGEA President and Chief Executive Officer Tom Skancke.  “These companies, in the tech, e-commerce, aerospace, healthcare, and service industries will help to diversify our economy and build the long term foundations for economic growth.”

Among the notable incentives approved today were:

  • Fab Fulfillment Corp., affiliated with the online e-commerce site, was approved for tax incentives for its capital investment of $24,266,699.  Fab Fulfillment Corp. will offer 34 jobs with average hourly wages at $21.91. In addition, they will utilize approximately 200 local contracted fulltime employees that will work at their Southern Nevada facility.
  • St. Joseph Health System was approved for tax incentives for its capital investment of $21,674,432. St. Joseph Health System will be located in Clark County and will offer 15 jobs with average hourly wages at $34.75. The company will use Switch to house medical data for its nationwide operation.
  • MBT Repair Inc. was approved for tax incentives for its capital investment of $1,000,248. St. Joseph Health System will be located in Henderson and offer 35 jobs with average wages at $18.59. Affiliated with the Saffran Group, a global aerospace company based in France, MBT will service and repair aircraft landing gear from their new home in Southern Nevada.
  • Switch was approved on the expansion incentives for its SuperNAP8 data center, a 267,000-square-foot facility.  Switch will be offering 17 more full-time jobs with average wages at $24.43. The expansion will help support Switch’s global client base, which includes over 500 startups and Fortune 1000 companies. These companies often deploy staff to work in Switch’s Clark County facility. 
  • Nicholas & Company was also approved for tax incentives for its capital investment of $4,828,570.  Nicholas & Company’s purposed facility would create 95 fulltime jobs at an average wage of $26.52.

About Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance
The Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance is a 501(c)6 membership organization dedicated to diversifying the economy in Southern Nevada and building the foundations for long term economic growth.  For more information, call 702.791.0000 or visit  The Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance is located in The Rob Roy inNEVation Center.