FutuReady Industry Tour Connects Companies to Educators
LVGEA, CCSD and Clark County introduce manufacturers to workforce development resources
In collaboration, Las Vegas Global Economic Alliance (LVGEA), Clark County School District (CCSD) and Clark County hosted a FutuReady speed networking industry tour at Lied Stem Academy. The free event brought manufacturers and educators face to face in order to better prepare students for the local workforce.
“We are proud to work together with CCSD and Clark County on all FutuReady events,” said LVGEA President & CEO Jonas Peterson. “It’s a great opportunity to make sure our teachers understand what companies need from the incumbent workforce and to introduce relationships between the entities.”
“The manner in which our community partners engage with our schools has a significant impact on the academic outcomes of our students and can make a significant dent in addressing workforce needs,” said Gia Moore, Director of Magnet Schools and Career and Technical Academies, CCSD. “It is imperative that we work with industry to develop qualified workers and bring industry-relevant knowledge and skills into our curriculum.”
“This opportunity to connect the industrial community with our education systems will benefit both sides from sharing skills and knowledge trends to building curriculum to meet employers needs well into the future is both exciting and challenging,” said Phil Klevorick, Economic Development Liaison for Clark County.
To strengthen workforce development resources, manufacturers moved table to table talking to various regional educators, including WGU, Nevada State College and CCSD. Companies shared their workforce needs over the next few years. The relationship-building event also plans to lead to mentoring, internships and, eventually, job creation for students.
Companies present were given a tour of the school, concentrating on their STEM programming initiatives. Additionally, a broadcast media team comprising Lied Stem Academy students had the opportunity to interview companies and partners.
Three additional events are planned over the school year at various schools in the Valley. Each tour will have a different industry focus.